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sestra MARJETA GERZIN - prva predstojnica v novomeški ženski bolnišnici


rojena Agnes (tudi Agneta) Gerzin

(27. 10. 1882 v Mihelji vasi/18. 3. 1968 na Raki)

V javni ženski bolnišnici v Novem mestu (Cesarice Elizabete bolnica) je sestra Marjeta svoje delovno mesto nastopila eno leto po njenem odprtju. V bolnišnici, kjer so najprej zdravili bolnice z ginekološkimi težavami, je bila predstojnica, vodja ženskih strežnic, asistentka, anestezistka in upravljavka z rentgenom.

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Sestra Marjeta Gerzin (označena s križcem), hrani Provincialni arhiv Slovenske province Družbe hčera krščanske ljubezni Ljubljana.

Arhivska objava iz leta 2019 s tedaj dostopnimi viri:

​​​Agneta Gerzin – sister Marjeta, the first head of the Novo Mesto hospital for women

Agneta Gerzin – sister Marjeta was born on 27 October 1882 in Mihela vas near Črnomelj to Janez and Marija, born Jerman. On 23 June 1903, she joined the Company of the Daughters of Charity. Under her monastic name – sister Marjeta – she was active in Novo mesto from 1909 to 1927, with a two-year-break from 1914 to 1916, when she worked at the Red Cross hospital in Osijek. In 1917, she was awarded the War Cross for Civil Merits 3rd Class.

She arrived to Novo mesto as a nurse one year after the opening of the public hospital for women, which was taken care of by the Sisters of Charity from 18 November 1908. Between 1916 and 1927, she was the head i.e. the leader of the hospital attendants at the above-mentioned hospital. The public hospital for women was originally intended to care for patients with obstetric, gynaecological and surgical diseases; later, patients with other diseases and children (girls and boys) up to the age of six were also accepted. After World War I, the hospital faced serious difficulties – organisational, space, staff and financial ones. The situation got so bad that the hospital was to be abolished. However, this did not happen and the Sisters of Charity carried out their activities until 1948, when the last ones had to leave the hospital.

After leaving Novo mesto, sister Marjeta moved to Belgrade, where she worked as a nurse and head at the Vračar Sanatorium for ten years and at the St. Marta House in 1937.  She returned ill to Ljubljana in the following year; first she stayed at the Leonišče sanatorium, and later recovered at her family in Hotemež. During World War II, she served as a head at the Belgrade orphanage; after the war, she worked at the retreat house Marijin dom in Ljubljana and in Šentrupert.  In 1949, she served in administrative prisons in the Kočevje Region and Škofja Loka. After that service, she stayed with her family in Dol pri Hrastniku. She spent her last years at the House for elderly sisters in Raka pri Krškem, where she died on 18 March 1968.



Slovenec, 25 September 2017

Catholic Church archive, Ljubljana

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