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ERVINA ROPAS - skladateljica, glasbena pedagoginja

rojena Ervina Ropas

(25. 6. 1890 v Novem mestu/16. 2. 1962 v Novem mestu)

Pri sedemnajstih letih je napisala prvo skladbo za štiriglasni ženski pevski zbor (Naša zvezda, 1907), pri sedemindvajsetih pa je v samozaložbi izdala svojo prvo klavirsko koračnico z naslovom Živel naš pešpolk Cesarjevič. Kot učiteljica glasbe in vodja pevskih zborov je bila dejavna vse do svoje smrti.

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Ervina Ropas, hrani Knjižnica Mirana Jarca Novo mesto, Posebne zbirke Boga Komelja.

Ervina Ropas, a music teacher and composer

Ervina Ropas, a music teacher and composer, was born on 25 July 1890 in Novo mesto, where she also finished primary school and acquired music education from her father Lavoslav, a bank clerk and choirmaster of the singing association of the Dolenjska region, and the composer Ignacij Hladnik. From 1907 to 1911, she attended the college of education in Maribor. After graduation, she worked as a teacher until 1919. Then she studied at the pedagogical department of the Glasbena matica conservatory in Ljubljana. After she had passed the national music test (1922), she taught music theory, singing and violin at the college in Maribor. Under her leadership, the choir has improved to reach the concert level and they performed at many concerts in different towns, including Ljubljana. At the age of 17, Ervina Ropas wrote her first composition for a choir of four female voices (Naša zvezda, 1907), and continued to compose until the German occupation. She has also written music compositions for mixed, male and youth choirs.

She spent the war period in Arandjelovec. After returning to her home country, she has taught music at the Novo mesto secondary school until retirement in 1945. Afterwards she has lead various choirs, including the regional choir of teachers from Novo mesto. Within a single year, the choir was given the award Trdinova nagrada for being the “strongest choir in the Dolenjska region with more than 90 singers. In one year, the choir had 10 concerts. Thus, it has carried the Slovenian song to many working class people. Furthermore, the regional choir of teaching staff presents the power that influences the singing culture of the entire Dolenjska region - members of this choir has already established or renewed more than 30 male, female, youth and Pioneer choirs” (Dolenjski list newspaper, 12 November 1954).

Ervina Ropas died on 16 February 1962 in Novo mesto and is buried in Šmihel.


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